Title Authors Year
Canadian water quality guidelines for chromium Pawlisz, A. V… 1997
Depositional time trends and remobilization of PCBs in lake sediments Gevao, B.;… 1997
Ozone in the United Kingdom - 4th Report of the Photochemical Oxidants Review Group Group,… 1997
Association of antimony with traffic - occurrence in airborne dust, deposition and accumulation in standardized grass cultures Dietl, C ;… 1997
Growth of autotrophic and root-hemiparasitic understory plants under elevated CO2 and increased N deposition Hattenschwiler… 1997
Stem growth reductions in mature Sitka spruce trees exposed to acid mist Crossley, A.;… 1997
Long term effects of ammonium sulphate on Calluna vulgaris Uren, S.C.;… 1997
Vertically-challenged limnology; Contrasts between deep and shallow lakes Moss, B.;… 1997
Ultrastructural changes and electrolyte leakage from ozone fumigated epiphytic lichens. Tarhanen, S.;… 1997
Natural vegetation responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition - critical levels and loads of nitrogen for vegetation growing on contrasting native soils Carroll, J.A… 1997
Soil acidification: a provisional model for New Zealand pastoral systems. de Klein, C.A.… 1997
The significance of nitrogen runoff for eutrophication of freshwater and marine recipients Hessen, D.O.;… 1997
Thinner eggshells of dipper (Cinclus cinclus) eggs from an acidified area compared to a non-acidified area in Norway Nybx, S.;… 1997
Short-term physiological responses of mosses to atmospheric ammonium and nitrate. Soares, A.;… 1997
The impact of a road upon adjacent heathland vegetation: Effects on plant species composition Angold, P.G. 1997