Title Authors Year
Cronartium flaccidum fruitbody production on Melampyrum spp and some important alternate hosts to pine. Kaitera, J. 1999
Factors influencing nitrogen saturation in forest ecosystems: Advances in our understanding since the mid 1980s. in the impact of nitrogen deposition on natural and semi-natural ecosystems Wilson, E.J.;… 1999
Some effects of N on ectomycorrhizal diversity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in northeastern Germany. Wöllecke, J.;… 1999
Persistent organic pollutants (POPS); state of the science Jones, K.C.;… 1999
Environmental chemistry: End of acid reign? Jenkins, A. 1999
Assessment programme to fulfil the commitments of the Nuclear Safety Commission - Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ionising Radiation and the Environment P.M., Thompson 1999
Global amphibian declines: A problem in applied ecology Alford, R.A.;… 1999
Leaf injury characteristics of grassland species exposed to ozone in relation to soil moisture condition and vapour pressure deficit. Bungener, P… 1999
Impact of heavy metals on denitrification in surface wetland sediments receiving wastewater Sakadevan, K… 1999
Indicators of climate change in the UK Cannell, M.G.R… 1999
Influences of anthropogenic pollution on mycorrhizal fungal communities Cairney, J.W.G… 1999
Ranking of epiphytic lichen sensitivity to air pollution using survey data: A comparison of indicator scales Van Dobben, H.… 1999
Methane release from peat soils: effects of Sphagnum and Juncus. Roura-Carol, M… 1999
Tolerance of tropical common bean genotypes to manganese toxicity: performance under different growing conditions González, A ;… 1999
The effects of quantity and duration of simulated pollutant nitrogen deposition on root-surface phosphatase activities in Calcareous and acid grasslands: a bioassay approach Johnson, D.;… 1999