Title Authors Year
Raised atmospheric CO2 levels and increased N deposition cause shifts in plant species composition and production in Sphagnum bogs Berendse, F.;… 2001
Investigation of copper adsorption to peat using the simple metal sorption model Dierks, S 2001
Estimating toxic damage to soil ecosystems from soil organic matter profiles Beyer, W. N. 2001
Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy Hoosebeak, M.R… 2001
Bryophyte biomass and species richness on the Park Grass Experiment, Rothamsted, UK. Virtanen, R.;… 2000
The role of Eriophorum vaginatum in CH4 flux from an ombitrophic peatland. Greenup, A.L… 2000
Acidification and terrestrial birds Chamberlin, D.… 2000
Sulphur dioxide effects on cell structure and photosynthetic performance in the liverwort Frullania dilatata. Gimeno, C.;… 2000
Growth responses to ozone in plant species from wetlands. Franzaring, J… 2000
Copper resistance of Calluna vulgaris originating from the pollution gradient of a Cu-Ni smelter, in southwest Finland Monni, S ;… 2000
Responses of spruce seedlings (Picea abies) to exhaust gas under laboratory conditions - I - plant-insect interactions. Viskari, E.L… 2000
Assessing the chronic effects of atmospheric tetrachloroethylene (PER) on plants. Note 48 Franzaring, J… 2000
UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network: 10 Year Report Monteith, D.T… 2000
Arsenic uptake in orchard trees: Implications for dendroanalysis Martin, R. R… 2000
Direct measurement of the UK source strength of radiatively active gases Fowler, D.;… 2000