Title Authors Year
Urban distribution of Rhytisma acerinum (Pers.) Fries (tar spot) on sycamore Leith, I.D.;… 1988
Mortality and LC50 values for several stages of the marine copepod Trigriopus brevicornis (Müller) exposed to the metals arsenic and cadmium and the pesticides atrazine, carbofuran, dichlorovos and malathion Forget, J ;… 1988
Effects of nitrogen dioxide on biochemical and physiological characteristics of soybean. Sabaratnam, S… 1988
Understanding the Pollution Sensitivity of Lichens Richardson, D.… 1988
The response of the feather moss, pleurozium-schreberi, to 5 years of simulated acid precipitation in the canadian boreal forest Hutchison, T.C… 1988
Response of blueberry species to excessive manganese Korcak, R. F. 1988
The influence of altitude on rainfall composition at Great Dun Fell Fowler, D.;… 1988
The impact of ozone on assimilate partitioning in plants – a review. Cooley, D.R… 1987
The enhanced acidification of a field soil by very low concentrations of atmospheric ammonia Spears, R.B… 1987
Relationship between SO2 Dose and Growth of the Pea Aphid, Acyrthosiphon-Pisum, on Peas Warrington, S. 1987
Effects of Persistent Volcanic Ash on Douglas-fir in Northern Idaho Bilderback, D.… 1987
Effect of SO2 on the Reproduction of Pea Aphids, Acyrthosiphon- Pisum, and the Impact of SO2 and Aphids on the Growth and Yield of Peas Warrington, S… 1987
Macro-floral assemblages in upland Welsh streams in relation to acidity and their importance to invertebrates. Ormerod, S.J… 1987
The enhanced acidification of a field soil by very low concentrations of atmospheric ammonia Spiers, R.B.;… 1987
Evidence that arsenic tolerance in Holcus lanatus L. is caused by an altered phosphate uptake system Macnair, M. R… 1987