Title Authors Year
The effects of sulphur dioxide on the parasitism of the rust fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae on Vicia faba. Lorenzini, G… 1990
Exchange of greenhouse gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere Bouwman, A.F. 1990
Epiphyte recolonization of oaks along a gradient of air pollution in south-east England, 1979-1990. Bates, J.W.;… 1990
Acidic Deposition, its nature and impacts, Glasgow Conference Abstracts Caporn, S.J.M… 1990
Comparative toxicity of inorganic contaminants released by placer mining to early life stages of salmonids Buhl, K. J.;… 1990
Forest soil chemical changes between 1949/50 and 1987 Billett, M.F… 1990
Air pollution and tree-dwelling aphids. Population Dynamics of Forest Insects McNeill, S.;… 1990
Alger, lavar och Garrupprättning hos unggranar längs en kvävegradient Sverige-Holland Göransson, A. 1990
Acid rain and eggshells Drent, P.J.;… 1989
The acidification of Scottish lochs Battarbee, R.W. 1989
Simulation of the long-term soil response to acid deposition in various buffer ranges Vries, W.;… 1989
Results of the harmful effects of water pollutants to Daphnia magna in the 21 day Reproduction Test Kühn, R ;… 1989
Effects of cadmium and PCBs on reproduction of the sea star Asterias rubens: aberrations in the early development Besten, P. J.… 1989
Global Emissions of Nitrogen and Sulfur-Oxides from 1860 to 1980 Dignon, J. ;… 1989
Acute toxicity of six metals to the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, with comparisons to other freshwater organisms Couillard, Y… 1989