Title Authors Year
The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (Volume 1) Defra, 2007
Fluxes of N2O, CH4 and CO2 in a meadow ecosystem exposed to elevated ozone and carbon dioxide for three years. Kanerva, T. ;… 2007
Effects of herbicide spray drift and fertiliser over-spread on selected species of woodland ground flora: Comparison between short-term and long-term impact assessments and field surveys. Gove, B.;… 2007
Source attribution and critical loads assessment for Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas in the UK Bealey, W.J.;… 2007
Evidence of widespread ozone damage to vegetation in Europe (1990-2006). Hayes, F.;… 2007
Dissolved organic carbon trends resulting from changes in atmospheric deposition chemistry. Monteith, D.T… 2007
Potassium and phosphorus additions modify the response of Sphagnum capillifolium growing on a Scottish ombrotrophic bog to enhanced nitrogen deposition Carfrae, J. A… 2007
Differential ozone sensitivity in an old and a modern Swedish wheat cultivar – grain yield and quality, leaf chlorophyll and stomatal conductance. Pleijel, H.;… 2006
Chemical composition and decomposition of silver birch leaf litter produced under elevated CO2 and O3. Kasurinen, A… 2006
Extraordinary drought of 2003 overrules ozone impact on adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica). Low, M. ;… 2006
Elevated CO2 and O3 alter soil nitrogen transformations beneath trembling aspen, paper birch, and sugar maple. Holmes, W.E… 2006
A model of annual orographic precipitation and acid deposition and its application to Snowdonia. Dore, A.J.;… 2006
Ammonia deposition to semi-natural vegetation Jones, M.R. 2006
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has caused nitrogen enrichment and eutrophication of lakes in the northern hemisphere. Bergstorm, A.K… 2006
O3 impacts on plant development: a meta-analysis of root/shoot allocation and growth. Grantz, D.A… 2006