Title Authors Year
The management of lowland neutral grasslands in Britain: effects of agricultural practices on birds and their food resources Vickery, J.A… 2001
Indirect effects of zinc on soil microbes via a keystone enchytraeid species Salminen, J.,… 2001
Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 29 Vanadium pentoxide and other inorganic vanadium compounds. WHO, 2001
Partitioning the variation within the acid neutralizing capacity of surface waters in Scotland in relation to land cover, soil and atmospheric depositional factors Kernan, M.;… 2001
Chlorophyll a fluorescence emission, xanthophyll cycle activity and net photosynthetic rate responses to ozone in some foliose and fruticose lichen species Calatayud, A… 2000
Ammonia emissions from non-agricultural sources in the UK. Sutton, M.A.;… 2000
Habitat matrix effects on pond occupancy in newts. Joly, P.;… 2000
Can the foliar nitrogen concentration of upland vegetation be used for predicting atmospheric nitrogen deposition? Evidence from field surveys. Hicks, W.K.;… 2000
The effect of exposure to NO2 and SO2 on frost hardiness in Calluna vulgaris Caporn, S.J.M… 2000
The impacts of management and atmospheric ammonia deposition on unimproved calcareous grasslands in the Cotswolds Hewins, E.J. 2000
Fine-scale persistence of boreal bog plants Nordbakken, J.… 2000
Seasonal ozone response of mature beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) at high altitude in the Bavarian Forest (Germany) in comparison with young beech grown in the field and in phytotrons. Baumgarten, M… 2000
Amino acid accumulation and growth of Sphagnum under different levels of N deposition Nordin, A.;… 2000
Persistent impacts of trace metals from mining on floodplain grass communities along soda butte creek, Yellowstone National Park Stoughton, J.… 2000
Joint toxicity of copper and zinc to a terrestrial nematode community in an acid sandy soil Korthals, G. W… 2000