Title Authors Year
Recovery of acidified surface waters from acidification in the United Kingdom after twenty years of chemical and biological monitoring (1988–2008) Battarbee, R.W… 2014
Terrestrial mosses as biomonitors of atmospheric POPs pollution: A review. Harmens, H. ;… 2013
Fate of N in a peatland, Whim bog: immobilisation in the vegetation and peat, leakage into pore water and losses as N2O depend on the form of N Sheppard, L. J., Leith, I. D., Leeson, S. R. 2013
Nitrogen deposition effects on plant species diversity; threshold loads Tipping, E. ;… 2013
PK additions modify the effects of N dose and form on species composition, species litter chemistry and peat chemistry in a Scottish peatland. Sheppard, L.J… 2013
Ozone pollution: Impacts on ecosystem services and biodiversity. Mills, G.;… 2013
Inertia in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in response to nine years’ realistic perturbation by wet deposition of nitrogen, separated by form Sheppard, L.J… 2013
Diatom-inference models for acid neutralizing capacity and nitrate based on 41 calibration lakes in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Sickman, J.O… 2013
Stomata are less responsive to environmental stimuli in high background ozone in Dactylis glomerata and Ranunculus acris. Wagg, S. ;… 2013
Estimation of nitrogen budgets for contrasting catchments at the landscape scale Vogt, E., Braban, C.F., Dragosits, U. 2013
Upwind impacts of ammonia from an intensive poultry unit Jones, L. ;… 2013
A diagnostic biotic index for assessing acidity in sensitive streams in Britain. Murphy, J.F… 2013
Microbial communities in natural and disturbed peatlands: A review Andersen, R… 2013
Long-term amelioration of acidity accelerates decomposition in headwater streams. Jenkins, G.B… 2013
Analysis and interpretation of 25 years of ozone observations at the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station on the Atlantic Ocean coast of Ireland from 1987 to 2012. Derwent, R.G… 2013